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Change™ – 855 Filler

Vendor: Flexitallic
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Metal-wound gasket designed to deliver a seal with the most dynamic recovery, with Thermiculite 855 filler

The Change Gasket is available is a wide range of filler and facing materials, including Flexicarb SEL Graphite, PTFE, Thermiculite and Corriculite.

The high level of stored energy gives the Change gasket extremely high recovery. In a compression test against other gaskets, the Change Gasket recovered almost five-times better than a Kammprofile or DJ gasket. Available in Styles CG (winding with outer ring), CGI (Winding with inner and outer rings), RIR (winding with inner ring), R (winding only). Also available with pass bar configurations for heat exchanger applications. (Note, DJ (Double Jacketed) pass bar configuation is used). Standard winding heights are .125″ and .177″. See Flexitallic Engineerring for appropriate winding wire height


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